I was up on the roof, trying to fix a leak
It came out of nowhere and stung me on the cheek
The malicious little bastards were in a frenzy next door
I locked myself in the house, swollen and sore!
Honey Bees!—with their devious and hedonistic way
Out drinking and dancing every day!
In the Garden, God clearly erred,
when he made the decision not to turn them away
The neighbor called to apologize for the pain and the fright
Said he had accidentally killed their queen in the middle of the night
Hmph! “Love thy neighbor.” That is such a tall order
Much easier to build a wall along the border
With those prison stripes and stingers, we know they are up to no good
No one will be safe until they are out of our neighborhood
Meanwhile, I am marooned in my house! I am no longer FREE!
And all I have to eat are some apples from my tree.
Well done! I hope you heal fast. xxj
Well, the bee sting incident that this poem is very loosely based on happened forty years ago. My face was unrecognizable for a while, but I didn’t fault the bees for it.