Perseverance Pays Off

Update on our commercial rezone fight—WE WON!!!!!

It is the dawn of a new day in the Skykomish Valley

Dawn Of a New Day

Sunrise–September 17, 2014

As the result of our appeal, on August 26 the Growth Management Hearings Board invalidated the rezone based on the inadequacy of the Environmental Impact Study. Although we won on the EIS issue, we could not convince the Board to overrule the City on the location issue. This left the City with three options: (a) Challenge the Board’s decision in Superior Court; (b) Try to fix the EIS to the Board’s satisfaction; (c) Forget about it. Fortunately, at this last Tuesday night’s Council meeting, a Councilman who would have voted for option B was absent, and the other votes were split 3 for and 3 against. This allowed the new mayor  to cast the deciding vote–option C was approved! It took four years and a new mayor, but common sense has triumphed over cronyism.

3 thoughts on “Perseverance Pays Off

    • Thank you ever so much. Unfortunately, I just read some exasperating news in the Monroe Monitor One of the crony councilmen has announced his intent per Robert’s Rule of Order to have Tuesday’s decision rescinded at the next meeting. :-(

  1. Doug, I hope inertia wins now. You are 99% there, & we will keep our hopes up that all of your hard work will triumph after all. Fingers and toes crossed… Anne D.

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